Scenario Planning for Brexit Workshop
September 25th 2018
As the Brexit date is fast approaching, Carlow County Council – Local Enterprise Office is interacting more with businesses and are finding that most businesses think Brexit will only affect them if they are selling goods or services into the UK.
Speaking about Brexit, Kieran Comerford, Head of Enterprise Office said “many enterprises are underestimating the level of inputs that come for their business via the UK Market and that with supply chains in Ireland being so heavily linked to the UK Marketplace, a “Hard Brexit” could mean many companies are heading for a difficult trading period”. Comerford continued to say “many companies in Carlow, as a manufacturing county, rely on a seamless trade with their customer and suppliers and find it difficult to envisage how their businesses could be effected so, therefore, during September we will be rolling out a unique scenario planning workshop with Paradigm Learning in order to assist Carlow companies prepare”.
Speaking about the programme Pauline Hoctor, Business Advisor said “at this moment in time, in the absence of any agreement so far on the future trading relationship, businesses should prepare for the eventuality that the UK may ‘crash out’ of the EU in March 2019 and Carlow County Council’s Local Enterprise Office have a suite of supports from the Brexit Scorecard, LEAN for Micro, Mentoring and specialised development programmes like the Scenario Planning for Brexit which will be held on 25th September 2018 to support companies in preparing for the unknown”. Hoctor continued to say“we would encourage companies to send their key staff on scenario based training which will help them plan for the challenges ahead”. Hoctor concluded by saying “while there are many uncertainties, scenario based planning will not just help you prepare for Brexit but also increase your competitiveness in the longer term”.
Full Information on Brexit Supports for Business is available on www.localenterpise/carlow or by calling 059-9129783