Embark on a spellbinding journey aboard the Rathwood Santa Train! This Christmas, the Rathwood team, in collaboration with the creative talents from Spotlight Productions, brings a magical experience reminiscent of a cherished Christmas story. Set within Rathwood’s enchanting forest, this interactive event is designed to ignite the imagination and capture the heart of every visitor. Children and adults alike will be transported into a world of festive wonder, where Christmas dreams come alive in the twinkling lights and immersive scenes. For event details and booking, visit santatrain.ie.
Venue: Rathwood, Tullow, Co. Carlow
Dates: November 23rd, 24th, 29th & 30th
December 1st, 5th – 24th
Adult: €14.95
Children: €18.95
Babies: €9.95
Book Here: https://santatrain.ie/santa/tickets