Aims of Carlow Tourism
Carlow Tourism is the marketing and tourism development company for County Carlow whose remit is to increase the number of domestic and overseas holidaymakers to the county and maximise economic benefits vis-à-vis job creation and revenue for the entire county of Carlow. The company aims to provide a cohesive approach to tourism marketing and development planning in co-operation and collaboration with all relevant agencies with a remit for tourism development within County Carlow.
Carlow Tourism was established in 2001 as a partnership between Carlow County Council, agencies and the tourism industry within the county. It was established on the basis that funding for operational costs would be provided by the County Council in the Annual Estimates and paid by way of a grant-in-aid at the commencement of each year, to assist with cash flow and project management. Revenue is also generated by the Company from a variety of sources including an annual membership fee, grants from other statutory bodies and agencies and other sources including fundraising, to fulfil the objectives for which the company was established.
Overall Objectives of Carlow Tourism CLG
- To carry on the expeditious promotion, development and administration of the tourism product in the whole of the county (Urban and Rural) of Carlow in collaboration with all relevant agencies and bodies with a remit for tourism development in County Carlow;
- To facilitate the creation of additional employment derived and supported by the continued and additional revenue generated from the marketing of Carlow as a tourism destination;
- To harmonise the workings of all tourism interests, groups, individuals and activities who promote Carlow as a quality tourism destination;
- To develop a marketing strategy which aims to generate an awareness of County Carlow as a tourist destination, both in the marketplace and among the people of Carlow;
- To focus on market segments which offer the most potential while also maximising the length of stay and expenditure by tourists and visitors in the Carlow area;
- To identify, develop and promote products which will increase tourist traffic in co-operation with all relevant bodies;
Strategic Objectives
Our Vision
To develop a sustainable tourism industry capable of increasing the inflow of tourists and associated revenues in order to realise the full economic potential of tourism in County Carlow.
Our Mission
Through its work Carlow Tourism aims to ensure that County Carlow is a welcoming and high-quality destination offering visitors a diverse range of experiences based on the county’s heritage – an opportunity for visitors to discover historic big houses, spectacular gardens and unique spiritual/ecclesiastical and historic/cultural attractions, and to easily engage in outdoor recreation, set amidst the county’s unspoilt environment, with choices to stay overnight in vibrant towns and villages.
- To deliver increased business for the tourism industry in County Carlow and contribute to making Carlow a better place to live in and to visit. Ensure a greater socio-economic contribution from tourism in terms of employment, incomes and physical amenities.
- To extend the tourist season and to achieve higher yields, improved profitability and increased employment in the industry. To maximise the length of stay and expenditure by tourists in Carlow.
- To create an awareness and knowledge of County Carlow as a tourist destination in its own right, both in the marketplace and amongst the people of Carlow.
- To align the development proposals and marketing strategy for County Carlow with the over-arching destination brand for the region – Ireland’s Ancient East.
- To deliver a marketing campaign that reflects the county’s offering across a range of media while addressing the needs and requirements of key market segments including the Culturally Curious, Great Escaper, Pre-Teen Families and Empty Nesters as identified by Fáilte Ireland.
- To support the development of the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the growth of Carlow’s tourism industry including the advancement of a flagship attraction for the county and the expansion of existing sites to create significant visitor experiences.
- To achieve optimum utilisation of available tourism assets including physical assets by identifying and supporting their development and marketing products that will attract increased tourist traffic to Carlow.
- To support effective environmental management to conserve and enhance the vital natural and built heritage of the County and to ensure that sustainable tourism development practices are observed.
- To achieve a more balanced geographic spread of tourism activity between the north and south of County Carlow to ensure the current imbalance between both areas is addressed and that the associated economic benefits of tourism are felt throughout the county.
- To play an active role in the destination management structures envisaged for County Carlow over this period, to ensure a coordinated approach to tourism development that supports the growth of the County Carlow tourism economy.
- To identify internal and external collaborative opportunities between public, private and community sectors that maximise return on investment and that facilitate the development of enterprises and experiences around a shared vision and ambition.