Organic Archives - Carlow Tourism


January 16, 2022

Gaelic Escargot

Gaelic Escargot is the first snail farm in Ireland and the only Research & Development Centre for the production of free-range escargots. They are located in Garryhill, Co. Carlow and they have been researching and farming snails since 2013, with a particular emphasis on free-range and sustainable methods.
June 15, 2018

Coolattin Cheddar

Made on Tom Burgess’ family farm in the Wicklow Hills, Coolattin Mature Raw Milk Cheddar is one of only a handful of authentic cheddar style Irish farm cheeses. It is a seasonal cheese, made in the summer when the cows are grazing clover-rich pasture, the ideal diet for cheese processing milk. Visitors will find Tom’s cheese countrywide at farmers’ markets, at specialist shops including Malone’s Fruit Farm & Farm Shop, Ballon, Ward’s, Tullow, Avoca, Coolanowle Food Hall, Tinahely Farm, Fallon & Byrnes and good food outlets nationwide.