An Gairdín Beo is a two-acre community garden in the centre of Carlow Town where people work together and then collectively reap the rewards of their efforts. The overall vision of the project is of a space in which diverse people can connect more to nature, to the growing and making of food and to each other. The ethos of the garden is based on an ecological orientation, on valuing diversity, sustainability and indigenous species.
FACILITIES: Community Hall and Car park.
HOW TO FIND US: Old Dublin Road, Carlow Town, R93 E1HF.
OPENING TIMES: Monday to Friday: 9.30am – 4.30pm. Saturday and Sunday by arrangement.
Please note that the garden may be open outside these hours and visitors are always welcome.
- If you want to arrange to visit the garden outside opening hours, please contact by email or on Facebook.
- When visiting, please sign visitors book located in ‘The Stables’ building.
- Finally, because the garden encourages garden users, especially children, to feel and explore nature, only guide dogs are welcome.
Admission: Free.
An Gairdín Beo actively encourage and support team building days by working with business’ in the community.
If you’d like to discuss how An Gairdin Beo can facilitate your group or employees by offering gardening and grow your own workshops for staff or by arranging team building days, please contact them here.