Michael Scott’s iconic production of John B. Kean’s hilarious dramatic comedy THE MATCHMAKER, plays the Big Top at Rathwood as it celebrates its 21st year on tour.
Fresh from her success in Michael Scott’s Production of “Shirley Valentine” by Willy Russell, Norma Sheahan, one of Ireland’s leading dramatic actresses joins Jon Kenny (D’Unbelievabels) in this iconic production. Together they play a myriad of characters in this hilarious and earthy dramatic comedy.
The play follows the efforts of Dicky Mick Dicky O’Connor to make matches for the lonely and lovelorn. Using his inimitable way with words and his sense of “devilment” and wit, Keane delves into the longings, hungers, fears and foibles of this collection of lonely country people and creates a marvellously colourful world, taking us back to a simpler time, when phones were few and far between and the only web was one left behind by spiders.