Snowdrops, early spring bulbs and hellebores at Altamont Plant Sales
Altamont Plant Sales & Walled Garden Altamont Gardens, Tullow, Co. CarlowSnowdrops, early spring bulbs and hellebores at Altamont Plant Sales
Altamont Plant Sales and the Corona North Commemorative Borders, Altamont Gardens, Ballon, Co Carlow, R93 N882.
Snowdrops, hellebores and other spring bulbs help to add colour, scent and the promise of a long spring to come. The Corona North Commemorative Borders host one of the largest collections of
snowdrops on view to the public this February. Snowdrops, hellebores and other spring beauties are available throughout the month of February at Altamont Plant Sales with expert advice available on
planting techniques and after care to ensure you get the best from your plants.