With three national long-distance walking routes and a range of stunning looped walks dotted throughout the county, Carlow is incredibly rich in the quality of its walking experiences, with the opportunity to experience some stunning landscapes including The Blackstairs Mountains, Mount Leinster, Altamont Gardens, the Kilbrannish Forest Trails, the South Leinster Way, Barrow Way and Clogrennan Wood.
Between fifteen and twenty themed walks, ranked in order of their difficulty and duration take place during the festival. They are perfect for those who love a leisurely walk, taking in and learning more about nature, biodiversity and their general surroundings, the walker with a thirst for history, those energised by the challenge of an invigorating mountain trek, photographic enthusiasts, families and those who like the stillness of mindfulness.
The walks are graded and timed to suit the capabilities of walkers in each category. The majority of walks end with light refreshments giving participants the opportunity to recap on their experiences. All walks are led by knowledgeable guides from Tullow Mountaineering Club and Blackstairs Ramblers, and local walking enthusiasts and are of varying duration from 1.5hrs to five hours.